Life's Precious ...

 Natural Resilience

 Passing An Old New Door ...

 That Childish Curiosity ...

 The (Small) Man and The Sea ...

  Mighty Nature

 Way out of the storm

 Consumerism Masterpiece 

  We are all different. Fortunately ;)   

  Looking for Balance

  Active Observation

 Observe the world, actively, with all the senses ...


Peaceful like a Sun/day walk ...

Reflection Time,
Time and Again ...


Making Real Friends ... vs. 'Social Networking'

  The Flow ...

  Naturally, Efficient

 Enjoy, Naturally

Natural Rhythms

Start your day by the sun, making best use of it, till the good night :)


As time goes by, comes time for reflection(s) ...


Walk your way/s ...

Natural Takeover ...  (nonhostile;)

(Example from a Greek island;)  

Physics & more ...

Really, after rain, the sunshine's brighter!

Towers of Power

Observing the ancient Towers of Power ... no contrast added ;(

Kind of Revelation

Do not contend (by) yourself, while actually in (a) paradise ...

December Out-look                                                                             


Transitory Beauty                                                                                   Nov.2014

Reflecting upon beauty, fading ... altogether with such kind of glory ...  

      Be, Joyful!

Looking for ... serenity                                                                      Sep.2014

  Traveling, easy   Aug.2014

Virtuality   Jul.2014

  Reflecting on the new 'virtually augmented' reality ...

Keep it real;)

  Reflection/s   Jun.2014

  Noticing (what)
details count ...


  Point of View on Transitory Beauty ...   May.2014

  Good Morning Theme  Apr.2014

  Good Morning 

  As in Zen,
  a good morning starts
  with a light work
  out ...

desclick - polished  Feb.2014

Take a look into the new "desclick" book
the intro to the 2014 release, currently in work, is now available.

Happy New ... era   Jan.2014

Holydays?  ~ Dec.2013 / Jan.2014

Observing the shows put up these days by all kind of political mercenaries,
misusing the holydays for their (business) campaigns – throwing around words in a subliminal fight of false patriotism vs. citizenship of the world  makes one notice the differences in/between ... we can I do.

And, ironically appropriately, at such party's end one could hear "Hell's Bells" across the church's plaza, where the doors were deliberately closed by some of God's people (?) just when children of the revolution were shot at by blunt political servants, only two decades ago ... Our societies seem to suffer of a 'comfortable' short memory ... So, happy (holy)days, citizens.

Leading Shadow ~ Dec.2013

There may come a day when we notice our shadow(s) leading the way ...

Nevertheless, we're the ones choosing our ways.

~ Nov.2013

Noticing the development/s of some fellow humans makes one reflect –
is man/kind developing (into) its own punishment?!

Yet we can find back to ourselves by a natural way ...

Natural~Bliss ~ sunny Oct./Nov.13

Over-view ~ Oct.2013

Discovering time(s) & place(s) by unplugging getting a real over-view ...

PS: Authentic view over the old city of ____ towards the ____ mountains really HD:-)

 Imagine ~ Sep.2013

Formerly ... Heaven  ~ Aug.2013

Revisiting places that once where our 'stairway to heaven' will often confront us with a new version of reality
so we might ask ourselves, what was once that made us simply happy ... and what it (all) takes to make us happy, nowadays?

DeIndustrialization Effects  ~ Aug.2013

Obviously another industry revolution is ongoing, as manufacturing corporations are being consequently overtaken by the new (un)limited services companies, business shifting from tangible goods to mainly service providing.

This deindustrialization is a creeping process, taking place over the past decades of our lives, yet its effects were/are perceivable all the time. And even if most such don't make it into the big news,
as the official collapse of Motor City, visiting one's hometown can often be convincing enough ...
On a site which was the 'pride and glory' of imperial as well communist empires, where an industrial foundry was producing since 1771 and one of the first European steam locomotives was manufactured in 1872, nowadays only bicycles are assembled...
with cheap(er) components imported from somewhere far Asia, put together by less then 3% of the former workforce of a once proud heavy industry now gone broke ... altogether with the city which lost about 25% of it's (best) people in only two decades.

Surely I'm not a fan of the lobbying 'big industry' and its collateral (damage) effects, yet as there are proven ways that support real production enterprises to develop in balanced, sustainable manner, the decay of former industrial cities is a significant fault of those chosen administrators politicians and managers
failing to create by foresight an environment facilitating a beneficial evolution, to foster the well-being of 'their' people.

Driven ... ~ July.2013

Lately, following up distinct
projects with partners across Europe and the US, I've encountered some rather peculiar man-made situations likewise within public institutions and private companies all induced by people which seemed to have lost the intrinsic motivation of living, their internal drive, ending up being more or less comfortably driven ... by others, by whatever means.

Yet confronting these adverse (human) conditions validated once more an essential "desclick" principle: to further evolve, you need to consciously step out of the 'comfort zone' you need to re-activate yourself, physically and mentally!

Growing Potential ~ June/July.2013

While looking recently for some new, utile plants to enhance one of my gardens, a dedicated worker advised me kindly: "Don't just pick the plants that seem to be the strongest, but choose those developing new sprouts
these have more power to grow and adapt better in new soil."

Therefore, (I) invest in that noticeable, growing potential.

by Nature
~ June.2013

Making /use of/ naturally attractive gateways for those desired ...

... works likewise for individuals and organizations.

And the issue is ...
~ June.2013

Around 80% of the first "desclick" poll respondents on LinkedIn say their living is driven by routine, in a significant part of their living.

Surprisingly, the majority reporting the issue is yet between an entry and senior professional level, mostly as employees. On the other side, top management and/or entrepreneurs see it differently – an explanation can be found in the growing level of perceived self-determination.

So, what next?! ... Check out the desclick alternative(s).

Naturally Lean
~ May.2013

Recently, picking up my wife from a nutrition company's office, I let myself into the challenge of a 'competition' checkup ... At the end it was somehow gratifying to see the Herb*life consultant's surprised looks, evaluating the data leading to a biological age of 30
yet coming with a life experience of 45 ;-)

Referencing the "desclick" phases, I remarked that for any sustainable, genuine transformation one has
to regain balance naturally, physical and mental, as on long term it's not really helpful to exchange only some of the bad habits with yet another (merchandized) dependency ...

The point is, that being naturally lean is a collateral effect of a lean lifestyle, reflected overall in the living of those committed to such. Therefore a genuine change to lean principles comes first and the effects will follow, in all life aspects: in (y)our private, social and professional activities.

Therefore focus on the really needful essentials – you'll be surprised by the positive side effects ...

Form <> Function  ~ May.2013

Notice how real smart functionality integrates a beautifully optimized form ...

Everything that needs to be invented nature already has,
a man of genius once said.

reshuffle to renew
~ Apr.2013

After some life time(s), it's helpful to reshuffle the content and renew the perspectives so to optimize the existing and leverage yet new insight.

And what works for websites may work as well for people,
and vice versa.
So enjoy the progress in work ...


Build - Connect - Create ~ Apr.2013

From that child curiously learning to build a sand castle, to young entrepreneurs seeking financial success and family guys working to make a comfortable shelter for their loved ones or mature people wanting to set a (more or less timeless) mark, only few really create living spaces

... developing in an integrative manner,
connecting people with their living environment,
the in and out side ...

We, Collectors ~ Mar./Apr.2013

Back for the Easter holidays in the still wintery Europe
, I met in the neighboring supermarket a young kid collecting tropical fruits. He was carefully picking the natural goodies, not sure which to get as his dad was busy talking on the mobile. So I explained him which was which, how they tasted and advised him how to check if these are ripe: a red tamarillo, the star-shaped carambola or yellow physalis cherries, a reddish mango and purple maracujas ...
He asked me how do I know so much about these strange fruits, so
I answered, proudly: I have somewhere a garden where all these wonderful fruits collected in the supermarket from all around the world grow altogether, in one spot.

Telling him about the island of Tenerife where the finca is, he knew the place, being already there at his young age and loving it. Lucky boy, I said to myself, recalling that as his age we were hardly allowed to visit our (socialist) neighbors ... yet nowadays, I have access to my own "Garden of Eden":

Trained Focus ~ Mar.2013

By our recent project
turning a ruined penthouse into a living space I got the opportunity to encounter some really contrasting people:
On the one side the old-school carpenter fulfilling worthy his work, an agile sports/man well over 60 (biking regularly since more then two decades from sea level to over 2500 m in about four hours), while that young plumber introduced to me was hopelessly fighting any professional challenge, and his overweight ... 'successfully' loosing in front of himself and his customers.
Then I also met a fit kitchen designer, well focused on any form & functional detail of his work, and which I learned to be a cyclism champ too – quite the opposite of the plump chief contractor recommended to me, which is/was reworking my living spaces, dissipating lots of energy to reach a decent result.

By these experiences I got another practical yet costly confirmation of a basic desclick-concept, to be (better) accounted for: that one's life & work style reflects into the physical being, as well as this is a reflection of one's way of living
& working ... transforming one over lifetime.

And it can be noticed that the focus trained by sportive activities is well (re)used in the achievement of professional results too.

A practical hint related to this:
When passing time without a strong focus (at home or in office) and during any light activity (like walking), one can choose to make some isotonic exercises
to train the body and the mind's control tensioning the muscles of selected body parts, from light to strong and reverse, repeating this as long it feels good, without over-straining the the muscular system.

E.g. while holding on to an object, strengthen the grip progressively, without moving the involved body parts too much, then decrease the tension gradually, and repeat. When advancing with this type of training, one can do the same
exercise yet without any link to a physical object, just visualizing an exercise.
So get in self control and evolve, naturally.

on the Sky ~ Mar.2013

Why are those promising the moon on the sky find some believing they can, somehow, get it? Cause it looks nice ...

Or does a victim somehow attract a 'victimizer', in a strange act of balance?!
Like "political correctness" and 'the correctness of politicians' ...

Active Observation & More ~ Feb.2013

Every time when walking, or jogging, do it consciously – attentive to (y)our living environment. Therefore don't pass like senseless through the surroundings, driven only by a momentary scope, yet focus in different planes, keeping all your senses awaken to perceive the happenings and distinctive situations.

By this kind of active observation you will not only improve your condition, yet be able to enhance your creative spirit as well, whether at day or night ...

Observe all the different dimensions (3D+), creating so new inter-connections, to (re)use in your personal and work environment as well.

So Simple! ~ Feb.2013

Cleaning off the paint from the old stairway at the new penthouse appeared to be just a simple task, yet it confirmed once more that nothing is as simple as it seems, at first sight ... and even at a second;-)

Nevertheless, really learning from/by doing(s) is the way to sustain and further develop our motoric and emotional skills. Cause doing ourselves those 'simple things' we expect to be well done by others not only drives us towards deploying optimized methods, with appropriate tools, yet makes us apprehend the actual value of every good work – and genuinely appreciate those performing it, improving so our human interactions as well.

And after such strain yet meaningful training day, I felt the need to balance out, by working out in my desclick-finca, at the mid-night-shift. Energized by some mellow bananas picked just by feeling in the dark yet with (en)lighting perspective(s) ...

Money-Friends ~ Jan./Feb.2013

I've initially made notes on this unpleasing issue some time ago, but I refrained to publish them as I thought it might appear too 'judging'. Yet traveling the past months as undercover business tourist across the continent, from the subtropical South-West to the wintery East and back again, I encountered too many variations of the same "show-me-the-money" theme ...

From a waitress's simple skimming policy of a breakfast offer which ain't available when one wants breakfast,
to fake-friendly 'sales pirates' thinking locally but acting globally, up to all sort of estate 'professionals' joggling clients for the one shot they get. Living by the morality of money – "la moralidad del dinero" – whereas doing everything to get (more) money is considered moral ... 

I've experienced (too) often humans being just money-friendly and reversing to a passive-aggressive attitude when not 'smelling' more money –
delivering daily less yet growing discontent when imagining they somehow could get more money then they actually asked for ... their usual routine.
(Sadly, this generalized attitude has been confirmed also by experiments among college students, future professionals to be.)

Those many talk much about value(s), but they value mostly/only money.

On the bright side shining of understatement, I gladly encountered people good in what they are and do: whether a fast-food shift manager attentive on how (returning) customers like to have their small treats and those warmhearted locals not out to rip off 'the other ones' yet granting
a passing by tourist a free cappuccino – just happened as I've been rewriting these lines.

Following this further, one might reflect which are only those 'money-friends' around us or truly precious people, less centered on someones financial equivalent yet by what they stand really for ...

Nutritional Supplements ~ Jan.2013

The business with all kind of
prescription-free nutritional supplements is booming
although independent research studies have found such to be not only ineffective, but too much of these add-ons can induce serious health issues, including cancer, by creating a metabolic imbalance.

Safeguarding your health (and pocket as well), the simple advice coming also from medical scientists is to eat colorfully balanced
picking during the day various naturally colored food, mostly fresh fruits and vegetables.

Following this, check out one of my 'customized nutritional supplements', helpful even more during the holi/days:

A New Year ~ Jan.2013

Motto: Wishing for a better year is fine - - working for it is really better!

Happy Holidays around the World!

PSS: Talking (about) bananas ... find out the (visible) differences!
Yet more, the wonderful orange bananas

Round It Up!
Thinking by Approximation(s) ~ Dec.2012

Observing a youngster using as usual his pocket calculator for a simple subtraction, I recalled a study testing the ability of people to make fast decisions while working with incomplete data, having so to estimate figures:
Overall, the participants took in about +60% of cases correct decisions when told they may estimate the results, whereas when having to decide in that short time based on exact figures they got it right for only about 40% ...

I'm making use of this principle of thinking quickly by approximation in most common situations, training the mental skills, and teaching the children to do so too. Simply:

· First round up figures to handy main values, keeping aside the +/- offset to that main value as small rest;

· Then do the simplified operation/s with that major value  (e.g. working with multiples of ten);

· Finally, add/subtract from the above principal result the rounded value you get by applying the similar operation/s to the small rest.

So you'll get simply and fast an approximation of the overall result
with the opportunity to train your brains while preparing quickly the change for a usual bill, surprising any cashier in a sportive competition against the machine ...

Urban Living / Choices ~ Dec.2012

Parking in the city is usually a strain, nevertheless it can be turned into an opportunity to get active, so balancing out the urban stress ...

Due to circumstances, in the past weeks I had to park every day in various places of a crowded Spanish city, making use of any convenient spot, often quite far from the doorway. Yet this created the chance to walk -
following different paths, observing consciously the living environment (re)discovering actively parts of the (lost) world, whether by natural or human effects.

And more, this gave me the needed distance to reflect at the start of a new day on the upcoming events, while at the end of the day it helped to disconnect from the happenings as well. Try it out ... desclick!

Old Memories vs. New Perspectives
~ Nov.2012

Somehow, a study I read about Alzheimer patients is hooked in my mind: it observed how despite loosing their memories due to the medical condition, such persons could recollect the kind of emotions they still connect to certain music and sounds
even if their factual links to the real world faded away ...

We overall associate specific places, sounds, odors or tastes with our livings and mostly expect to re-live the same (positive) experiences, just by recreating a similar environment - often putting lots of effort into that.
Yet this seldomly works out as expected, cause besides the perturbations that may appear, also our own perspectives change ...

So when aware of this, we'll be able to better balance our life efforts – in sustaining the past, living the present and building the future.

The Ways of Nature ~ Nov.2012

Returning to my finca after some stormy times, I've been at first annoyed seeing all the disturbances and that general state of degradation, due also to the lacking care of those who should take care.
Yet while repairing the paths carved by the heavy November rains moving along earth and gravel, I've noticed that the descending waters actually reshaped those 'elephant-paths', making them mostly smoother then initially man-built.

Reflecting, we should consider how water moves, t
o optimize our own 'flow' ... water flowing along the major obstacles it comes by, accumulates (energy) by itself to pass over the hurdles it encounters, breaching through any small available rift, to flow further on, shaping an optimized path in any environment.

In contrast, we as humans mostly enforce the less natural ways to ensure our daily flow, our habitual living.
So it happens that many of us awake someday under circumstances in which those highly artificial means we entrust can't provide us any more the usual life comfort and that (false) security they seem to offer, yet providing new perspectives.

I recall on this a documentary about a British music producer traveling through remote areas, trying to help out once some locals living in the jungle, offering them the usual, money
yet those folks looked uncertain to those bits of paper, saying straight they would actually need some clothing ...
Or otherwise, the recent news story about an IT-millionaire, forced to survive under adverse conditions as haunted by the police in a 'banana republic', which until some time ago provided him a comfortable living environment in exchange for lots of money, yet now can't buy him even the life's basics.

This brings me to a newly published study breaking the established beliefs, stating that humans tend to get generally less smart as their ways of living get overall too comfortable, lacking the evolutionary drive existing in a more challenging life environment. (Ironically supporting the saying that the amount of intelligence is overall constant, yet the global population is increasing ;-)

So as in the modernized societies the common needs are generally satisfied with lesser effort, this actually leads to a devolution ... Observing such effects at the physical and psychic level, on an individual and also organizational scale, I've developed over the years the desclick-concept ...

Good Morning Thought ~ Nov.2012

Revisiting the lively city of Düsseldorf which I connect with dear memories as here also our first daughter joined the world I've been interviewed shortly by a reporter of the German "Bild" newspaper: on what's energizing for the new day and how it's made to happen.

So besides recalling on my dear girls, the driving thought was to
experience a new day having some naturally ripen bananas, handpicked from my garden a natural reward for the hard, yet always voluntary work (out) as well.

Arriving then at the "desclick"-finca in Tenerife, those mellow mini-bananas tasted even better then imagined, being wonderfully accompanied by a tropically tasting mango, all awaiting me ...
and energizing for the work ahead, to reinstate balance after the passed stormy days it's time again to get active!

End of Day ~ Nov.2012

Finding back where the end of day has no meaning of a reporting deadline ...

Working naturally, aware that what comes out of a day is essentially in our responsibility – mostly also in our own hands representing us.

Workshop ~ Oct.2012

A first "desclick" workshop for participants of the  NGO educational system took place on Oct. 29th, at the Waldorf Highschool Timisoara.
Over thirty senior students and teachers experienced the naturally better –  being introduced to the desclick concept by an interactive event and a hands-on nutritional experiment ...

The experiment:  Compare a regular of-the-shelf, fruit-flavored milk drink / shake with a natural fresh one, made with real fruits as many as you wish for (and not only a marginal share, sometimes even less then 1%.)

For 'homeworkers':  Just peal e.g. 3 ripe bananas and put the fruit bits into a blender, adding half a liter of mild natural yogurt and about a quarter low fat-milk, sweetening it with 1-2 small spoons of honey, after taste.
Mix it well and enjoy the natural difference
even better with some friends!

PS: Banana peals are harmed for this, yet can be re-used, as plant nutrients ;-)

Gate/ways ~ Oct.2012

Some few create them, others just find them there
while many can't usually pass'em, the 'crazy' ones lead by such new gate/ways

The System Says ... ~ Oct.2012

One can notice that people overall accept and obey the rules set up in a bold manner, so following (more or less consequently) what's 'proven' by a thick book and, more recently, by any kind of (computer) screens.
Observe attentively how
often even leaving the common sense reasoning aside people usually conform to what "the system says" ...

My suggestion is to always make good use of our intrinsic reasoning seasoned with a few drops of natural curiosity/doubt when being confronted by any (representatives) of such over-smart systems ... yet more as actually created by (other) humans.

'Freaks Come Out at Night' ~ Oct.2012

As the daily rush slows down towards the night hours, it's a good time for biking around the city, as aerobic training and as well to gain new perspectives, dephased from the day's hectic.

Back on the 'old' continent, I've been doing so the passed evenings, getting the chance to talk to a used cars salesman, telling me how good it felt not having to drive a car during his two weeks holiday, then meeting a funding consultant now starting up a ladies spa, convinced after more then ten years of practice to do so just by his own means, and having at glass of lemon soda with a former telco manager now running a vintage bar.

... People at different life stages, yet matured by their life experience(s), stepping out of the usual ways, to find back to their 'childish' roots by doing what intrinsic passion drives them to.

Time Value(d) ~ Sep.2012

Often when walking in the mornings, seeing the sun breaking through, I recall on my kids, saying out loud: "Why keep sleeping
the sun's already out there!"

The little one gets up by her own (will) in the early hours between 7 and 8
– often calling me mornings when traveling over different time-zones, to check if I already can see the sun while our teenager is fighting to re-activate herself (as possible) around high noon, or sometimes later.
Nevertheless, as she was at the age of her li'l sister (now going on four), she as well jumped out of bed when noticing the daylight, shifting us rapidly into gears, also on (our) weekends.

So, I ask myself, what is it about this acquired 'modern' lifestyle?! ...

Observing this too, I consciously adapted myself to start the day by the sun, looking to make good use of each day from the early morning.

Yet recently I've been confronted with different situations, making me reflect, on how many of our fellow humans around, i.e. in Southern Europe, got used to live by ways in which time appears to have a low or no (economic) value ...

 another day & way ...  renewed  

Auto-Cycle ~ Sep.2012

The auto-cycle by nature
to reflect upon ...

Tools ~ Sep.2012

A diverse work - life experience made me more attentive to observe (on myself and others) how the appropriate use of the right tools not only increases the efficiency of one's efforts, yet as well the satisfaction, and in a loop the motivation to go on when noticing the effectivity of one's actions
really makes (more) fun working with the right tools!

It has been overall useful to be involved on the one hand in high tech activities, like software engineering (being also product manager for SW Tools & Utilities) and automotive development projects, while on the other side I've recreated a natural environment in the "desclick"-finca without any electrical/motorized equipment, using
just traditional tools and techniquesdue to external (man made) constraints which turned out to be of a positive conditioning therefore working over the past two years in average about one hour per day physically, which has been (and still is) essential in my transformation training.

So working (out) naturally, with the own body as main power tool, proved for me to be really effective, and more efficient as well, then the usual training I've followed up in the previous 15 years in classical gyms
evidenced by a genuine before & after comparison. Therefore my pragmatic conclusion is once more, that the own body is a most appropriate work-out tool, the means being always available.

Generally: observe and reflect, then get and put to good use the appropriate tools (and helpers, as required) for the scope you want/need to achieve in good quality and timely conditions, smartly balancing the efforts.
Nevertheless, keep in mind "not to be too poor to buy cheap", yet avoid then constructively to grow dependent of the deployed tools
... while your body and mind may decay unused, by following mainly the habitually comfortable ways.
So challenge yourself consciously, to break the limits of routine and surpassing the habitual, to evolve naturally balanced
as the desclick-motto goes.

PS: People commented that some modern tools are more of a curse then of real help, giving me recently 'the Internet' as example, by the several ways it's being misused. I would counter any such general assumption, by the example of a simple tool,
a hammer: this can be mis/used to hurt someone (also yourself;-) yet by an appropriate use it can be very helpful to create and add value: building a wooden house or shaping stones to make a wall or even in an artistic scope ...

Speaking of walls, a remark on traditional techniques, deployed also in our finca: the about 3 meters high walls made of selectively set volcanic stones support even without concrete tons of terraced land, holding strong since over 30 years, while the parts that have been rebuild two years ago with concrete, by some young professionals, start to crumble ... makes you reflect, no?!

"Varietas delectat" ~ Aug.2012

Variety enchants
this has been postulated by the ancient (Romans) in reference to their natural observations and we should seek to apply it, naturally, to our work - life as well as possible.

Therefore alternate (thoughtfully) the activities to motivate yourself and others, driving on ... the life's journey.

So whether:
 reflecting and acting on professional or private tasks,
 the challenging new ones with the stable routine,
 working by yourself at a desk or moving ahead teamwise,
 in- or outside, focusing mainly intellectually or
getting physical action,
 and reloading, by what you may like and also really need,
 individually or in a supportive familiar environment,
 vary the simple with the more sophisticated, the classic and the modern,
 always creating an appropriate mix, beneficial for yourself and others as well, acknowledging the ways how variety enchants ...


Be Your Own Coach ~ Aug.2012

Watching the Olympics and reading about how psychologists counsel coaches, that actually train the athletes, which set up the records, made me reflect ... Are we not capable to unleash naturally the energies that we hold ourselves?!

I say
confirmed by my own practice we can do:
So train yourself to be your own life's coach, envisioning every day your future development(s)
by getting to know best your abilities & capabilities, your really strong points and as well the ones you need to work on to be able to position yourself accordingly in the real life situations, making an optimal use of yourself in every given circumstances.

And in order not to get stuck on the habitual ways, always be attentive to observe any feedback
coming from the inner or outer side, from your body and the environment to uncover your 'blind spots' and work on improving continuously, optimizing yourself ...

In this context, I'm glad to have seen the main principles of my "desclick" practice confirmed overall by recent studies, published by
Conclusion is that working (out) naturally, guided by the genuine, intrinsic will
whether it's through walking, gardening or exercising improves not only one's physical condition, yet re-activates one psychically as well, acting like a natural brain doping, enhancing your mental fitness and giving you overall the chance to gain good years of life.

So for your own good, work (out) naturally
and you'll be rewarded: with a natural better life ...

A Natural Reward ~ Aug.2012
Save yourself any 'ultimate kick' to re-compensate for long working days and find your way to balance out naturally ... desclick


Creating Living Spaces
~ Aug.2012

Somehow, by a 'repeated coincidence', I've faced in the latest years various situations in which I had to re-create existing spaces, for a natural living ... Spaces that other 'fellow humans' have ruined over time, yet I've recognized their intrinsic potential
at a first glance and, driven by my vision, I've worked on them with real passion naturally working out in the same time to make them graceful once more, so any visitor perceives their genuine value and charm.

So it's been with our house garden, in a place deserted by the inhabitants of a major urban area in Western Romania, yet currently holding about 100 various trees (of which more then half bear fruit each year) or the "desclick"-finca in Tenerife, emerging really from a neighboring junk yard, currently turning into a small botanical garden, with fructiferous plants from all over our world.
As well the R&D center I've last set up, offering a naturally optimized work life environment to the people ...

And now I'm engaging on a somehow different endeavour, nevertheless strongly connected to a more natural life, by the new living opportunities to be created: the reformation of a ruined penthouse, with large outdoor spaces, a patio and terraces where you can catch a glimpse of the nearby sea, in midst of a Spanish pueblo (village) on the Atlantic coast ... A place where a real simpler and more human way of living is yet possible, in a community bypassing the WW crisis due to the beneficial natural conditions and a lower degree of formal constraints ...

... and the work-in-progress: mid Nov.12
yet more to come ...

On all this, my re-activated natural passion enabled me to focus the physical and psychical energies required to reach stepwise
an overall beneficial make-over every time, by a real hard work (out) supported by the achievements from sports & fitness activities, which not only have leveraged my physical condition, yet trained me in effectively focusing on the targeted objectives, envisioning what can be the optimal future outcome. And this, in reference to my corporate experience, goes beyond managerial planning ...

So by my own practice, I can suggest others as well to aim creating living spaces, oriented towards the natural out-side living, and so to re-connect to (your) nature ...
More on the ways to desclick.

Some Like it Hot ... ~ Aug.2012

I'm one of those that like it sometimes spicy hot, so I've planted my own chillies as well, in several varieties. The hottest one I encountered until now is known as "P*ta Madre" – cause surprised by its effect, one instinctively calls out it's name – you may look up the (original) translation ...

In warm climates it grows over the years to a small tree, somehow resembling a miniature Christmas tree, with it's red chillies hanging about (see pic). As the chillies turn from green to bright red, they get hotter, so be advised. And wash well after handling it, else irritating substances pass over to any other parts you may touch!

One can savour it fresh, although not many I know dare, most preferring to make a spicy sauce, generically called "mojo": with the green or red fine chopped pepper bits drowned in olive oil, garlic, some salt and vinegar drops
tastes best after about 2 days, when the spicy flavour is spread into the mix.

To be considered, I've noticed that in comparison to other usual hot spices I tried out, the effects of this kind of hot pepper are not felt on 'the transit ways' in the following day ...

Yet I've observed that a combination of hot chillies and garlic seams to cleanse the digestive ways and somehow to disinfect my stomach, protecting it in several situation in which other family members suffered of stomach disorder, up to intestinal worms ... I figure that I'm aided as well by the anti-fungal substances covering and protecting naturally the hot chillies' seeds I get to eat.

Used in moderate quantities, such hot peppers show overall positive effects in medical studies (consult your physician on your own, specific condition first!), supporting a healthy circulatory and digestive system, aiding as well dietary programs, mainly by the contained capsaicin.

In general it's advised not to have hot spices regularly, to get accustomed with, also cause then the induced effects actually decrease, and on the other hand not to overdo it, so that all the ingested food gets to taste uniformly by the same (more or less hot) spices.

And a final note to the hot pepper fans: I'd be interested to exchange hot chillies (seeds) from all around the world, so you're invited to drop me a message with more details about your personal favorite.

PS (Oct.2012): The experiment to adapt these chillies to the continental climate showed late, yet good results: the winter seedlings developed till the yearly autumn into one meter high plants with a plenty of large, green and some red chillies, while the seeds planted directly outside around May have also grown a bunch of small chillies. So, fans of spicy living, you may try it out yourself.

Update (Nov.2012): After a hot and dry summer, the November rain(s) brought the new chillies harvest, 'fore Christmas ...


Add(ed) Value ~ Jul./Aug.2012

In a world governed to a large extent by the principle: "Show me the money!", we need to recall to add real value by our (life) time, by what we actually do ... To naturally do every day what is really to be done, what we stand for and represents us – as fair(ly) human beings, most of us consider ourselves to be.

So when checking on the day we can be genuinely satisfied by what we've achieved, what was really (well) done, even by smaller yet noticeable steps.
And being naturally content, one will not feel so the urge to go looking for yet another (lifestyle) kick, to compensate otherwise ...

While making these notes I happen to observe two mid-age dads, out with their little girls: passing the common time to a large extent silently, occupied by their habits, whether reading the newspaper or indulging with a cigarette and coffee, anyhow absentminded ... missing the scope of the time 'invested' as parent and life tutor. In contrast, some days ago I witnessed in the same café a positively different situation, when a 24-year young fellow entertained with his lively two and a half year nephew, Fabio, being really there, aware of the quality time they enjoyed together, as he confessed to me too. And to share cookies
as well as a good time we'll meet again, Sundays.

Concluding, always be aware to dedicate yourself by natural passion, so even giving up (on) yourself, to really add value by the precious life time you put in, for all you care for.
the guide ... 

Go for the Sea
~ Jul.2012

From time to time, go to the sea, for more then recreational reasons, yet aware to take advantage of the beneficial effects of the sea water and air.

Besides any real childlike feelings of joy, the perceivable (physical) effects are not only a thorough cleaning of
the overall skin, hair, nose and ears helpful even more when allergic to dust or pollen – yet also in case of superficial wounds, which are cleansed by the active sea water and so heal better, as I've noticed over the years. When due to intensive outdoor activities I've been so deeply dirty and scratched, that the usual soap and washing liquids would not do, a 10 minutes bath in the sea worked cleansing wonders ...

Recall that bathing in sea water was/is cherished in many cultures since ancient times, basically due to pragmatic observations: known as thalassotherapy (the healing effects of sea water and waves) or in a larger sense by various forms of hydrotherapy (healing by water), the re-invented spa concept (health by water) can offer alternatives also when natural sea water is not in reach.

Yet, for your benefit, seek the way to bath yourself in beneficial sea water ...


Naturally Lean & Efficient ~ Jul.2012

One can observe in the recent development(s) of humans, as individuals and by their 'modern' societies as well, that enforcing a continuous, mass(ive) growth does not really sustain an overall beneficial evolution ... leading actually to a perceivable devolution.

By (re-)establishing more natural ways of living, we can get to be ourselves naturally lean & efficient
see my proof-of-concept ...

Natural Goodies vs. ...
~ Jul.2012

I've noticed that even the better tasting fruit yoghurts and (ice) creams contain maybe up to 30% fruit mix, of which again about 1/3 are more or less processed fruit parts
leaving you usually with a 10% fruit share, in the best cases ... when real fruits are used and not other substitutes, that may still be called natural by the food industry i.e. even processed wood chips are used to simulate the texture of strawberry bits!

As I like and want more of the real fruity stuff, I've experimented on making my own premium, natural fruit yoghurt and ice cream 'brand' - with as many fresh fruits I actually wish for
- the wonderful flavour of sun-ripened fruits really making the difference!

So I just add one mellow passion fruit (scooped) or the sliced bits from half a sweet pepino to a small natural yoghurt
(about 100 g or 4 oz), with a little brown sugar or honey, after taste. The mix rests then in the fridge or the freezer, if wanting to get an ice cream. After about 2 hours the fruit flavour is spread throughout the cream and you can relish a real goodie, lower on calories and more beneficial then the usual industrialized products.

You may experiment with any favorite tasty fruits, taking the time to enjoy the experience of preparing some natural goodies, for yourself,
and the ones you care for ...

Support Yourself
~ Jul.2012

Create ongoing beneficial opportunities for yourself, by developing a living environment that
supports naturally the achievement of your goals.
And choose your daily way(s) so to facilitate the real life choices.
Applying this to your fitness, you can set up and make use
of multifunctional (daily) objects in the home or office environment, creating opportunities to work out in example, having a straight bar around is always great for working out naturally, using just the own body (weight) whenever it feels right.

As well, during the day choose to pass by sites allowing you to take short work out breaks
just surpass your own resistance ... See the video demo:

P.S.: Always act responsibly, according to your condition/s.

Time to Reflect ~ Jul.2012

Today a dear 'enemy mine' parted peacefully, yet it makes me feel really sad ... They said he was asleep in the morning hours on a sunny spot and they wondered how he didn't get up as usual when the music teacher walked in. He looked happy as they talked to him, but he wasn't moving any more flies were already gathering on him, so they covered him with his blanket ...

Thinking about our 'relationship', what could/should/will I do else wise better?

I had a beer on his memory, thousands of miles away, secluded in my finca, watching the peacefully blue sea and the cloudy skies above.
Good bye old faithful, see you, somehow ... "À tu, Pady!"

Every day, take time to reflect upon the day(s) ... what you've done good to contribute to a real life's goals and what you still need/want to work upon. Then visualize what you'll do next, to focus your energies on the upcoming.

... your guide    

Delightful Physalis
~ Jul.2012

Some years ago, in an Italian restaurant, I got along with an ice cream dessert something like a small Chinese lantern ... Inside, a little orange berry, that surprisingly tasted as if various tropical fruits have been poured together!

As you usually get this little wonder by piece, I've looked to grow it myself. Experimenting in various places, I've noticed that this (Peruvian) ground-cherry does great in any usual warm, yet half-shaded spot
just add water and it grows a large bush, most often over several years, even in poor soils.
When the decorative husk of the fruits dries out like a thin paper, the berry inside turns from yellow to bright orange and will offer you a refreshing taste experience words can hardly describe ... sweet yet slightly acid, similar to an exotic fruit-mix juice, I'd say.

You can enjoy it fresh, add with it a surprising note to salads and desserts or make delicious ground-cherry pie and jams. In South-America even wine is made of it, yet I didn't get to taste that.
So if get 'addicted' to this natural delight, you might try to grow it yourself, even from its own little seeds in pots relishing not just its wonderful taste, yet taking benefit of traditional medicine applications, along with its strong anti-oxidative (cell-protective) character, shown by recent studies.

Dephased ...
~ Jun.2012

Starting the
(Sun)day early with a bike ride through the yet peaceful city, the principle to act reasonably dephased from the masses proves itself once more.

While enjoying the morning coolness of a summer's day, one can take advantage of the missing traffic to explore the
area at ease, back and forth, observing details we usually hurry by on our daily ways.
And as most others are still recovering somehow inside
, you're free to share the park alleys with any humanized animals, dragging along their owners ... Going by a traditional baker's shop for a serene moment with some simply good bakery, warm out of the oven, to reload then with a freshly squeezed orange juice, watching from a favorite spot the morning sun coming through.

Just take some time to reflect how else you can benefit when being able to act smartly dephased from the movements of the masses ...
Yet another desclick principle.

Following the Sun ~ Jun.2012

Notice how modern life-style induces our transmutation to a synthesized being, passing the day(s) in differently sized boxes
... To outbalance this, strive to follow the sun by the elementary cycles, so to re-adapt yourself to more beneficial natural rhythms.

... the sun rising beyond the mountains, recreating the sky above the sea ...

Enjoy the outlook – click to get this wallpaper in Full HD freely

The Effects of Continuity
~ Jun.2012

Start up working constantly (daily) on what you actually want, even if it might appear hard to achieve
continuity is the key even starting small, the effects are developing over time.

As fitness translates
as well into other areas of living, here's a good example: Over the past years I've been doing almost every morning simple push-ups actually to awaken quickly just one series, starting from a few reps up to 80-100, when and where it actually felt good.  The difference? ...

If push-ups may seem too hard to begin with, then "Flex-Up" can be a more convenient way to start. And those (two) few minutes you'll need are always available even with kids around, which naturally will want to join in to the fun action ...

PS (Aug.2012)
I'm glad my 12 year girl is proud to tell me she's doing up to 20 push-ups, daily.

Those Lovely Details
~ Jun.2012

Can you recognize the lovely details of what's done with real passion? How all this fits seamlessly together ...

Yet in our daily life we're
often confronted with the opposite so wasting our resources on what doesn't come by loving care, but more or less by some kind of obligation ...

Change it - desclick!       
PS (Oct.2012): A detail my young daughter just noticed: "Why do they usually put lots of salt on one side of the pretzel?!" ... details.

Optimized Recycling ~ Jun.2012
Don't Waste Banana Peels!

Instead of throwing banana peels away (and so putting others at risk ... ;-) better place these on the soil where new plants are growing, also in pots. 

As a banana's peel contains similar nutrients as the fruit's flesh
– among them minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, selenium as well as iron and calcium these dissolve also by watering and pass into the soil, enriching it and helping the plants grow better, even more some varieties of berries.
And if you chop the peels before, this process is more efficient and the drying chips will be a mulching component, resembling bark.

Considering the amounts of bananas eaten daily around the world, think about how much organic waste could be avoided ... and reused naturally!


Reloading Natural Balance
~ Jun.2012
Land Reconversion, with Alfalfa

Lots of agricultural plots in near urban areas awaiting booming real-estate investments have turned over the past years into human wasteland, being often misused as junk deposits. Seeking to change this course, such a plot in Western Romania was offered for free use to neighboring villagers, but two attempts did not improve the situation ...

So we've started a pilot project, to state a first positive example: cleaning up the land and planting on it again after more then a decade alfalfa.

This perennial plant, growing often up to 7 to 10 years with a low degree of human intervention, produces about three times a year valuable forage for farm animals and supports the living of many field insects too, including bees.
And more then protecting the land against erosion by rooting very deep, it enriches the soil naturally over the years, preparing it for further use.

Economically the action makes sense as well, a break-even being reached in about 5 years time, and much quicker when benefiting of EU subsidies ...


PS (Aug.2012): Growing slowly through this year's summer drought, the alfalfa plants have spread over the field, offering yet a first forage harvest ...

Fit by EFFx ~ Jun.2012

"AB-Kicker" is a versatile exercise shaping the abs, by repeatedly kicking
with the bended or stretched leg to the front, and sideways by rotation.

the own and environmental limits (...), one can work out in small inside or natural open spaces, just with the own body (weight), focusing alternatively on the left and right side, yet always keeping a balanced position watch the demo:

PS (Jul.2012): Doing the "AB-Kicker" regularly in the morning hours, I've noticed that the combined movements of this exercise also stimulate naturally the transit process ... may sound weird, but it's actually helpful.

Habits ~ Jun.2012
A (first) week without coffee! ... 

I noticed that a habit starts ruling our existence when we can't leave it easily aside, from one day to the other.

Having this in mind,
last week, as my stomach was out of order, I took the opportunity to perform a self-test ... A
s I anyhow did not react well to any usual intake, I made use of this to easily release of coffee introducing so literally a coffee break.

To support the change, when feeling a bit sleepy during the day I deliberately get physically active: by walking or exercising a bit, or by gardening which physical activity suits best at that moment.
Also, when the circumstances would lead to the usual coffee drinking, it's replaced by tea or a (real) cacao drink or
a fresh fruit juice, as possible.
More of such experiments in the guide ...

PS (Aug.2012): I had to give in, I sold my soul for WiFi ... to get free Internet access while on the road, I've started to drink coffee, again. Yet I have less and of (natural) quality
no more vending machines for me.
And just now I'm savouring a fruit tea.

Simple Joys ~ Jun.2012&May.2013
... remembering the days we enjoyed being gifted just a colored juice and a creamy cookie
even the expectation of this thrilled us once a year.

And nowadays, what do we believe to need to make us happy, really? ...

Observe, actively
maybe a surprising painting of lights and shades makes your day to enjoy naturally the moments of life.


Natural Helpers ~ May.2012
Update: Sweet Basil & Yoghurt
Two days ago I started to feel a stomach disorder and as it got more then unpleasant, I took some specific medicine, yet my state did not improve.
Then yesterday afternoon, recalling on my sweet basil, I picked a few medium-sized basil leaves from the garden and ate them fresh.
As their taste was intense, I mellowed it with some (low-fat) yoghurt.

Two hours later the belly didn't disturb me any more and in the evening my appetite returned as well. And I could do even my short abs work-out,
as I do each evening (or night), since my initial "desclick" in July 2008 ...

As basil with yoghurt seemed to have relieved me from the stomach disorder, I repeated the procedure also in the morning, so I can now write about my experiment ... Anyhow,
check with a medical specialist when not feeling ok.

And a small hint along:
You can add to yoghurt about one sixth water and stir it well (don't shake it!-) to get drinkable yoghurt
with about 15% less calories and fat per volume unit.

PS (Sep.2012): New studies show that having regularly yoghurt drinks not only improves as expected the digestive processes, yet by this as well the psychic condition, reducing the risk of depression for the surveyed teenagers, while those having more fast-food and sweets were more often depressive.
... and on animal subjects an increase of curiosity and courage was observed!

Free Yourself ~ May.2012

To decrease overall dependencies –
being so less driven and to a higher  degree in self control – regard my practiced rrr-principle:

 · reduce gradually the extent of less favorable, even bad habits,
 · as you replace them consciously with more beneficial ones,
 · so to release of these, stepping over to the better.

 Get rid of dependencies, being aware that these keep you
 in the power of others!
... the guide         

Natural Flavours
~ May.2012
Sweet Basil

Sense the difference of adding natural grown, fresh basil to salads, pasta or even to a cheese sandwich ...
To benefit of its aroma and potential health effects around the year, it's convenient to grow basil in flower pots, in- or outside, yet keeping the plants in warm conditions, ideally around 15 to 20 ºC.

Warmth and sufficient watering helps the plant develop a more intensive flavour, and to maintain this longer, cut back the growing flower bulbs.

I like the 
"Genovese", for it's large, shiny green leaves, with a wonderful  aroma so check out my "tapas"-experiment with such fresh basil:


Fit by EFFx ~ May.2012

"Flex-up" is like doing push-ups standing
it can be done (almost) everywhere, at different effort levels, anytime it feels good keeping flexible.

It works mainly the pecs, shoulder and triceps muscles, by positioning the arms accordingly
high or low and wide or narrow check out our demo: 

~ May.2012

Supporting feedback on the "desclick" guide from a parent and tutor that cares to prepare young children for life, joyfully:

"A life changing book. The author is living proof that it works."

  Chris James, Teacher & Mathematics Co-ordinator, British School of Tenerife
  Creator of
Make My Maths Better

Healthy Treats ~ May.2012

Spicy onion rings on flatbread,
overbacked about 5 minutes with
some thin white or yellow cheese slices
topped with pickled chillies or garlic bits and
served with cooled cucumber slices ... enjoy healthy!

Natural Make-Over ~ May.2012

Reloading natural life balance the transformation of the "desclick"-finca:



Facilities ~ Apr.2012/May2013

Introducing ... The Ecological Right/Down-sized Conference & Training Facility "Pe Butuci" naturally upgraded version, available on request ;-)